What is an axolotl?
What is an axolotl?
Different types of axolotl
Can you have an axolotl as a pet?

 Axolotls are type of salamanders. They use feathery gills to breath underwater. Axolotls are only found in Mexico and they are often referred to as Mexican Walking Fish. Unfortunately they are endangered in the wild so they are usually not on sale in stores.
When fully grown they will get up to 30 cm or even 45 cm(6-18 inches). Axolotls retain external gills, a tail, a body fin and lack moveable eyelids. Their limbs are underdeveloped and posses long. Axolotls have three pairs of external gills stalks behind their heads which they use to move oxygenated water. They have a flat body with a huge, wide head. These animals are usually dark-colored. However, they might have some highlights on the skin. Their eyes are round and dark.